How to write punchier product description copy

Product description copy is tricky territory. You need to tread a fine line between simple and captivating. Your customers have to understand exactly what your product is. But, they’ve got to also find it memorable.

If you want to take your copy a notch and sell more products, keep reading these simple tips. Oh, and don’t miss my special gift at the end!

Focus on the true product benefits

Before you dive write into writing your copy, really spend some time thinking about what the product benefits are. You might think you know what the best things are about your product, but they might not be enticing to your customer.

Think hard about your customer’s life and how this product fits into it. What problems does it solve? How does it make their life better or save them time?

These right here are the emotional benefits and should be at the core of your copy.

Make your head copies meaty

We’re all serial skimmers. Browsing from one website to the next. Never reading any terms or conditions.

That’s why it’s so important that your head copies do all the talking.

The problem you’re solving? Put that in the head copy.

The way you’re really bringing customers value? Head copy!

What makes you stand out? HC!

Tip: Draft at least 25 head copies for each section to find the best ideas!

Don’t sacrifice clarity for cleverness

It’s very tempting to litter your copy with cute catchphrases. I know, I also love writing cute copy like this.

I recommend letting your creativity flow and writing absolutely anything. In the brainstorming stage. But when it comes to your final draft, make sure there’s just a sprinkling of cutesy in there. Although these phrases might be fun to you, they can distract your customer from the main point of your copy: understanding and buying your product.

If you feel sad that these copies are going to waste, don’t be! Keep them in a file to use later in social media, newsletters, or anywhere else your copy needs jazzed up.

Write in an active voice

One of the easiest ways to bring your product descriptions from boring territory to exciting is making them sound more active. Things that are written in the passive voice tend to sound super stuffy and overly academic. By switching things up, they instantly sound more awake.

Of course, there are some parts where you’ll have to use a passive voice. Don’t force active if it’s not natural.

Create a live experience

There are subtle ways to make your customer feel like they’re part of an experience. A quick fix is to keep your writing in the present tense. Check out how much more impactful this sentence is when it’s written in present tense versus future tense.

Future: This cake will taste amazing.

Present: This cake tastes amazing.

It’s a subtle shift, but it feels less jilted and not so dependent on a future outcome.

It’ll probably feel wrong or unnatural to start with. But when you get into the habit of writing like this, your product description copies will quickly improve.

Remove limiting words

As you scan your copy to make it more active, also look through for limiting words.

The first words to consider removing are “can” and “help”. 9 times out of 10, these can go, and you’ll be shocked when you see it for yourself!

Check this out:

Original: The lavender dreams bath bomb will help you relax and sleep better.

Fixed: The lavender dreams bath bomb relaxes you for better sleep.

I also converted this one to present tense. It instantly shortens the sentence, makes it punchier and feel more active.

Here’s another one:

Original: Smoky-sizzle seasoning can make all your meals taste irresistible.

Fixed: Smoky-sizzle seasoning makes all your meals taste irresistible.

It’s just a tiny change, but it feels less hesitant.

The final word that’s gotta go is “that”. “That” has a time and a place. Sometimes “that” can help a sentence make sense. But you’re probably also using it in places you don’t need to.

Look at these examples:

Original: You know that using moisturiser is gonna make your skin softer.

Fixed: You know using moisturiser is gonna make your skin softer.

And actually, we can take this a step further by removing “using”:

Fixed more: You know moisturiser is gonna make your skin softer.

There are so many words that slow your copy down. Go through with a fine-tooth comb and get them in the bin!

At first, this will be a long process. But if you practice this regularly you’ll develop a muscle for it.

Don’t miss my cheat sheet that’ll make this easier!

Make the product theirs

Another way to add to this live experience feeling is to make the customer feel like they already have the product.

Instead of talking about “the monitor”, change it to “your monitor”.

Again, this is super subtle and might feel odd at first. But when you read over your copy, you’ll realise that from a customer’s perspective, it’s much easier to visualise owning the product when you address it this way.

And when your customer starts visualising the product as their own, it becomes even more of a must-have!

Readout loud

Copy is more authentic when it sounds real. If you feel like your copy sometimes sounds super formal and boring, try reading it out loud. It’s the simplest way to catch expressions that people wouldn’t actually use.

When copy sounds conversational, you get more conversions!

Use my cheat sheet!

Before you go, I have a little pressie for you. It’s an easy step-by-step guide for writing your best product description copy yet! You won’t wanna miss this one.

Get your checklist!

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