How to improve your fintech copywriting

Fintech copywriting is a sensitive old subject.

It’s an industry that lots of copywriters won’t touch with a ten-foot barge pole.

Because let’s be honest. Financial technology services definitely aren’t as easy to sell as say, beauty products.

Can you imagine trying to convince your grandad to store their money on an app of all things?

You’d get the same look as when you suggested avocado toast for breakfast.

It’s not just the older generations who’re suspicious of fintech. Society as a whole still isn’t totally cosy with the idea.

It’s all because it combines two things people feel inherently icky about.

“Robots” and money.

The best way to make fintech more approachable is through words. 

Here are some tips.

Strip back the fintech jargon

To make people feel good about fintech, make them forget it’s fintech.

It’s just money. But on your phone. Or tablet. Or computer.

A bit like Asos is just a shop. But just online.

You might think it’s sophisticated to make your product sound fancy. 

But really, what springs to mind when you read copy like this?

“Data-driven mobile solutions for in-depth spending insights.”

Not much?

Then, how about:

“Simple saving tips straight to your phone.”

Probably makes a bit more sense.

There’s no need to over complicate things. And actually, you’re doing your brand a disservice if you do.

Focus on a pain point

Almost all fintech services are born from deep-rooted consumer pain.

They’ve taken tedious money-related tasks and made them easier.

Here are a few common pains that fintech services have resolved.

  • Spending your lunch hours queueing at the bank because it’s the only time you can go.

  • Losing customers because you don’t have access to a card reader.

  • Not maximising your savings because you have no idea how to invest.

It’s emotional triggers like these that must be addressed in your fintech copywriting. Not the name of the fancy technology you’ve trademarked!

The key to successful fintech copy is simple.

Keep things simple.

Need someone to help you tackle your fintech copywriting? Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to chat about my services!


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