No, B2B Copy Doesn’t Have To Sound Corporate

“It’s for B2B, so it has to sound PRoFEsSIoNaL!”

Let’s make 2022 the year we put an end to this mindset. (Who even made this rule anyway.)

Just because we’re all at work, doesn’t mean the copy needs to be a chore to read.

The same way we ditched suits and referring to our bosses as “Mr Smith” or “Mrs Jones”, it’s time to leave this strange formality in the past.

Most people feel more connected to companies that feel human.

And the first port of call for this is your copywriting.

Every little piece of writing you put out expresses your personality. And I mean, every piece of writing, even the boring old Ts & Cs and staff training materials.

You might think you’ve got conversational copywriting down because of your social media. But if that doesn’t extend across all your material, it doesn’t feel authentic.

Think of it like this. What would you think of someone who switches between calling you “mate” and “sir”? It’d be pretty confusing trying to work out who they are and what your relationship is.

So, next time you sit down to write a press release about your quarterly earnings or your delivery info page, you don’t need to lose your Instagram voice.

After all, you’re writing something for someone to read. Don’t make it tedious. Make it worth their time.

I promise you’re not breaking any rules!


How to write punchier product description copy